Monday, September 19, 2011

Just Another Manic Monday

Yesterday, I woke up with a cold... at least I thought so. Stuffed, runny nose, sore throat, the whole shebang. However, today, it seems to have disappeared. Maybe allergies? I guess we'll have to see. (My boyfriend has been suffering from a cold for the past two weeks. The poor boy. :/) Keep your fingers crossed! I would really like to not have to deal with one more added stress right now. School is starting to kick into high gear now that we're on week 5 and I work full-time, plus I'm trying to keep my apartment from looking like a tornado went through it. Today, my boyfriend and I actually scheduled a weekend in October where we are not going to make any plans. We made plans to not make any plans. Haha. But life is so busy and hectic as of lately, that a weekend to do entirely nothing is exactly what we need. Sigh. The cruelty of being an adult. What I wouldn't give for childhood...
Speaking of childhood! Yesterday, Sunday, my sisters and I went to see The Lion King in 3D. The 3D part was simply, eh, but the movie was as good as I remembered it to be. :) I'll have to admit, I got a little teary-eyed when Mufasa died and Simba ran away. As an adult, I can read so much more into the movie than I was capable as a youngster. Sitting in the theater, we could hear children asking their parents, "Why? Why did he die?" "Why is Scar being mean?" It was darling to hear, but such difficult questions to really answer. Just something to think about, I guess...
Saturday night, I had both of my sisters over for a little bonding time. Earlier that day at Wal-Mart, we picked up some facial masks. Freeman Feeling Beautiful Masks & Scrubs. We picked up the small packets instead of the actual bottles. We bought quite a few of these; pink grapefruit scrub, pineapple enzyme mask, mint & lemon clay mask, and the avacado & oatmeal clay mask just being a few.

You can find these at your local drugstore or Wal-Mart, or buy online here.
The avacado & oatmeal clay mask is the mask I chose to use. "This rich clay mask, with added Oatmeal and Vitamin E, draws out excess oils and dirt, purging clogged pores, leaving your skin clean and soft." I suffer from extremely large pores on my cheeks and nose so I figured this would be a great way to prep my skin for some deep cleaning. The instructions are: "Apply mask to face and neck. Let dry and rinse with warm water." It states something about keeping away from eyes, but I figure anyone who is semi-intelligent can figure this out. But anyways, following the instructions I applied the mask to my face. And even though it was a small packet, there was still a ton of product inside. Enough so that I only used half of the packet and saved the rest for another occasion. So after applying a generous amount of the mask all over my face, I let it dry. It dried completely in about five minutes and I left in on for about another 12 minutes or so. Just to make sure it really sunk in and got deeeppp into mah pores!!! Then I rinsed with warm water. And voila! While I can't really say for sure whether or not it "purged" my pores, it did leave my skin feeling as soft as a baby's bottom. I'm excited to try out the other packets we bought, I'll have to let you know how those go as well. Would I recommend this product? For $1.97 each, hell yes! It's a quick pick-me-up for your skin and nothing makes a woman feel more attractive than having radiant skin. :)

Hope you had a good Monday, blog universe.

-Abby D

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